Božídarský Špičák (HLV 177; 1115 m)

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Renáta Šašková (April 2003)

Locality: Unit: IIIA-2 Krušné hory; subunit: IIIA-2A Klínovecká hornatina; district: IIIA-2A-2 Jáchymovská hornatina; subdistrict: IIIA-2A-2b Abertamská hornatina

Geographical coordinates:
WGS-84: 50°24´01˝ N, 12°53´23˝ E;
S-42: 5587640 X, 3350090 Y

Maps: ZM 1:10 000 /01-43-24; SHOCart /6; KČT /4


Actual mountaintop informations

Ivan Bohuslav (June 2019)

Pavel Blazek (November 2015)

Petr Daubner (May 2015)


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Actual mountaintop informations

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